Thursday, September 1, 2011
Dungeon Diving One

Hello Everyone,

Reviving this blog because I found another use for it.

Today I managed to grab hold of Zi Yuan (Leonard), Lutfi and Hao Jian and made them come over to my place and have a quick game of Dungeons and Dragons, although Lutfi just sat far away, trying to study 13 chapters. (He only managed to study only half of a chapter.) But at least he managed to give us moral support and the occasional laughs.

Before starting our adventure, me and Zi Yuan helped Hao Jian create a character to represent him in the magical world of Dungeons and Dragons. He created a Half-Elf Paladin and named it "Jesus Heian", a name in which he insisted greatly on. Half-Elfs are mixtures of Humans and Elfs, therefore the name "Jesus", a human name and "Heian", an Elf name. And on the "Appearance" section, he almost wanted to put Malay features for his character.
What the hell right?

Me and Zi Yuan had already created our characters beforehand. Mine was a godly Deva Avenger that goes by the name of "Tsoltan", and Zi Yuan made a ferocious Dragonborn Sorcerer called "Grunt". And this is where the adventure starts.

The story will be narrated by the characters point of view, not us, the players point of view. AND YEAH THERES NO SCHOOL TOMORROW.

So the back-story goes like this:
Grunt, who is Zi Yuan's character, was escorting a merchant from Fallcrest to another town.
Fallcrest was a noob town for low level players to rest and stock up, much like Lumbridge in Runescape. Along the way, the pair was ambushed by goblins and the merchant's box was stolen from him. Witnessing the overwhelming horde of goblins, Grunt and the merchant returned to Fallcrest to look for other heroes who are willing to help Grunt acquire the lost merchant's box.

And that is when Grunt met Tsoltan (Me) and Jesus (Hao Jian) in an inn at Fallcrest. Tsoltan, being a Deva, divine beings who believed strongly in justice and order, were disguisted at the actions of the foul goblins and immediately volunteered after listening to Grunt's dilema. Jesus, although also a holy warrior, just wanted to join for the fun of it. Heck there might be some coins in the pockets of dead goblins. "Ah what the heck, as long as a can level up." Certainly the right attitude for a warrior of divinity.

So Grunt, Tsoltan and Jesus, left the town of Fallcrest at dawn on the next day and headed out to the goblin lair. Halfway through their journey, the trio came across a crossroad that was shadowed by a nearby crumbling tower which only half of its original height remained. The ruins of the the other upper half littered around the gloomy tower, overgrown by ferns and moss.

It was at that instant when they heard low growls coming from the trio's sides and a mad laugh that came in the direction of the tower. The sources of a growls revealed themselves as wolves as they appeared behind large rocks that were at both sides of the road. Two wolves. A goblin appeared from behind the tower and the adventurers knew straight-away who the irritating laugh came from. Jesus' hand reached for his battle-ax that was sheathed at his back as Tsoltan pushed aside his cloak to draw his eastern-designed Scimitar from his jewelled scabbared. Grunt released a roaring cry that in a way empowered all three of them while ribbons of arcane energies danced about his hands. All three prepped up for death, the monsters unfortunate and inevitable death.

This is where thing started to get pathetic.

Jesus was the first to act, clad in chainmail and holding his battle-ax over his head, he dashed straight for the nearest wolf and sunk the blade of his blessed ax into the torso of the wolf. That powerful swing would have impaled a wolf to death, but this wolf was not any normal wolf. The wolf were of monsterous breeds, more muscular and tougher than of any natural wolf. It did some damage but the wolf still stood.

Grunt turned to the other wolf, and aimed a charged ball of energy towards the second wolf. He released the pulsing ball of magics towards the second wolf, but he missed. Tsoltan, feelling all glorious and heroic, charged for the goblin, who obviously was the coordinator of the ambush, with the intention of finishing of the leader quickly. But he obliviously put himself in between the second wolf and the goblin coordinator found himself in deep shit. He was being flanked, by the wolf and the goblin.

Being only at level 1, Tsoltan desperately tried to fend of the bites of the wolf and crooked blade of the goblin. Grunt, seeing his comrade in a pinch, aimed and fired several magical bolts on the wolf. Sadly, all his bolts were wide and way off target and soon, Tsoltan found himself kissing the brown dirt of the ground, hands clutching deep wounds.

By this time, Jesus, the armoured holy warrior, had killed the first wolf . With quick battle-prayer and a swing fueled by divine vigour, Jesus impaled his glowing battle-ax into the the stomach of the monstrous wolf. The monster held its ground, but as he pulled his ax out of the bleeding wolf, he could tell that the animal was now weak. Jesus followed up with a less elaborate attack, as a prayer was not uttered when he dropped the ax-blade on the skull of the wolf killing the monster. As he pulled out his bloodied battle-ax, Jesus muttered a quick prayer for the animal, and a golden "125 XP gained" appeared above his head. But the Paladin did not turn away from the battle without a scratched. He was wound head to toe by bites in which he could not fend off. He turned to check on the other two and was shocked to see Tsoltan crawling towards him with hands pressing on wounds and Grunt backing towards him, as he attempted to charge another icy magic bolt.
Jesus sighed.

The situation only got worse, although Tsoltan managed to crawl to Jesus and stop his bleeding, the remaining wolf and goblin closed in to surround Grunt. The paladin noticed it and uttered a warding prayer to protect the Sorcerer. A golden shield which seemed to be made entirely of light appeared at the front of Grunt. At least his front was safe. The wolf walked up towards Grunt, dodging another magical missile, growling as if mocking the clumsy sorcerer who was missing every shot right from the start.

The daft goblin inched behind Grunt, with his scarred, green back facing Jesus. What a fool. The paladin took the opportunity to make a crushing blow with his ax which struck the fool of the goblin at his ribs, instantly sending the goblin to its doom. The wolf turned towards the unexpected attack on his goblin master. Tsoltan, noticing the wolf distracted, gathered everything was left of his strength and pounced on the wolf stretching his sword arm, aiming his decorated Scimitar at the wolf's neck. The Deva was not sure if would even reach the wolf, considering his wounds and weakness, but then he felt his jab coming to a rude stop and he fell into the mud, only hoping he did not struck Grunt by mistake That would be embarrassing.

Tsoltan opened his eyes, and saw Grunt sitting upright on the ground, he scanned for any injuries he might have caused but found none. But what was the jerk he felt? He turned to his right while still lying down on the floor and found fangs right in front of his face. He shrieked, for level 1 characters are scaredy-cats. But something was wrong, the wolf was not moving. As his eyes focused he noticed a familiar fancy scimitar sticking out of the wolf's throat. "Hey that's my sword!" Tsoltan have a sigh of relief as he turned away from the dead wolf. Jesus approached the wolf and offered a quick prayer.

Now is a good time to remind you guys that their quest was to raid a dungeon and retrieve the the merchant's box. But they were no where near any dungeon and already they were dying. So all of them decided to turn back to Fallcrest to recover from their wounds and stock up on healing potions. Grunt picked up Tsoltan with one hand and flung him over his mighty shoulder. The Deva shrieked a loud painful curse, then immediately regretted his outburst and uttered a quick prayer of forgiveness. Jesus was just glad he did not have to carry the large Deva. And they all headed back to Fallcrest.

This is the end of the story. All this took about 15 minutes in game time, but 45 minutes in real-time. And yes, all this epicness came from a table-top rpg game. This is what Dungeons and Dragons is about.

So if you want to experience this epic adventure, feel free to express your interest and my pals and I will create a level 1 character for you to start you off.

And Lutfi? Lutfi just sat at the dining table, studying and watching his J-Rock bands. But like I said, at least he was there for moral support!

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Monday, June 6, 2011
Stuck Outside


Back from school, end of my first test and looking forward to a nap and a productive study session. So there I was, riding the lift up to my apartment when I realised that I forgot the keys to my front door. And to make it worse, my mobile phone died on me. So basically, locked out of my own home with no means of communication. Unless I burn stuff and make smoke signals.

I leaned against the front door, deciding on my next move. Then I thought, what were neighbours for? So I made my way over to my neighbour's house, hoping that he would be at home. He should, since he's in JC, and they're having their holidays right now.


He wasn't home. I knew it straight away because, if he was home, I'd hear gunshots and explosions coming from his house, obviously too engrossed in his video game to even bother about his neighbour's peace. But I didn't hear all that at all.

There I was, right in front of another empty apartment, deciding on my next course of action. That's when I thought, heck, lets get some lunch.

It was a short walk from my neighbour's apartment to the local coffee shop. Thank goodness the weather was shady today, or I'd melt into a puddle from all that walking.

The coffee shop was rather empty, well naturally since it was a workday. The only patrons there were senior citizens who spend their days relaxing and reminiscing on their glory days. (Actually I thought that crap up, I don't even know what old people do at coffee shops).
It was rather awkward, you don't see many teenagers hanging out at neighbourhood coffee shops much. I got a table with a view of the road and ordered myself some nasi lemak to make my patronage official.

Lonely on a lazy afternoon, I could use some company. Unfortunately the only company I got were flies that were trying to take a hit on my food. Bad company is better than no company sadly. That was how miserable I felt. To make it worse, studying was the only form of entertainment I had. Can you imagine? Me, forced to enjoy studying? I didn't really enjoy it.

With my lunch done, I proceeded under my void deck to wait for any of my family members to come home. I settled myself down on table and proceeded on taking out my notes. Yeah, forced to study again. Armed with a packet of crackers and some notes, I got down to studying. I never really did get anything in my head.

What was that in the corner of my eye? Oh it's just a bird.

That was when I had a fabulous idea. I've always wanted to do this since I was a kid. And that was, feeding the pigeons! At first there was one, then another came. The more I fed them, the more of them came. It wasn't long before I realised they were all around me. I felt like a king! 'The Lord of Pigeons'. How corny is that?

I was the Lord of Pigeons for at least forty-five minutes before my father and brother drove into the carpark. It signaled the passing of the Lord of Pigeons, and I was not ruler of the lands anymore.

I was finally saved from my endless wander, finally in the comfort of my own palace (which is just a metaphor, I live in an apartment). So have I learnt my lesson? Probably not. I foresee many more grand adventures in the future, because I know I'll forget my keys again. And when I do, I'll probably do the same thing again: Neighbour, Coffee Shop, Lord of Pigeons.

(I called my neighbour afterwards, turns out, he was at home all along! Cooped up in his room playing online games. Just great.)


Sunday, January 9, 2011
Another Dedication Post

Dedz to,

Shaun the Sheep

Akid 'Akaidi' Aziz

Wilson, because he's damn blur.

Anyway, the list is not in order. And If your name is not here, feel free to leave a message so that I can put you on the next post.
I love you guys.

Piss out.


Saturday, January 8, 2011
I'm Enjoying This.

If one were to look at my Facebook wall right now,

They would realise that it is filled with posts by chicks.

Currently enjoying the attention. Don't know how long it will last but lets enjoy it while it last. Who knows, something will bloom from all this interaction.

I feel like a socially awesome penguin.


Monday, January 3, 2011
Bask In Awe

Just want to share an upcoming game that I think would be an award-winner.


Monday, December 27, 2010
Shout Outs!

This post is dedicated to the all these lovely people down here.

(In alphabetical order kids)

Amirah Albahar aka ARM


Hannah Lubis!

Joey Koh aka MAYA!

Longxiang aka Leon

Nadhirah Nad, (dunno why she wanted her name to be like this)

Again, this is just a shoutout post, if you want to me to shoutout your name, then leave me the message on the left.


A Trip Down To Ikea

Good evening folks.

Please don't let my blog die people.

I'm going to tell you about my shopping trip to Ikea (Tampines). Went there with my dad, he wanted to look for a CD-rack.

Ikea recent had undergone a revamp, a total rearrangement of the whole store. Everything looked so new, but I doubt it'll last. The last time I went there, the concept displays were falling apart. Probably just doing it for the new year.

An example of their 'revamp'. Although it doesn't look like much, everything is new.

Dad, browsing for CD racks.

Ikea is great, its like a furniture design gallery. There was a picture of a table, ah I should've taken a picture of it. Anyway, that table was really cool, the chairs fit under it snugly.

Ah, couldn't find it online.
I don't care, I'm going back there and I'm gonna take a picture of it!
It is that cool.

Me, looking at stuff.

Kitchen cabinet section. You can customize your cabinets here. How cool is that.

Oh and their storage racks never cease to amaze me everytime I go there. It's so cool, and scary at the same time. It feels like as if one of their crates is going to fall on me, and crush my body.

Giant storage area. That's my dad there.

In the end, we bought a plastic bag holder thingy and some clothes hangar.

Ikea is great when you want to get some ideas for spaces around your home, or when you need some inspiration to revamp your crib.


So, thats all folks, until the next post.

(First time signing off this way)


Sunday, December 19, 2010
A Dream Once Again

Hello everyone.

You may have read my previous post about my dream with Anil Kapoor in it. Scroll down if you haven't.

Just came back from Malaysia. Doing a post on that in a while.

But now I'm going to share a dream I had last night. I don't know why, but this dream really affected me alot. Probably because it won't happen?

So anyway. The dream is about this girl. She really exists and I do know her in real life. (My moms boss daughter, I'm sure some of you know who I'm referring to)
She don't come up to my blog that often, so its safe. Actually, I'm not even sure anyone does.

So her mom was trying to look for a book for me, she works in a library. But she can't find it. So her daughter, the Girl, decided to wait with me. I wanted to hold her hand, but I stopped myself. But she noticed it and grabbed my hand instead.

We went on an adventure around the library. Meeting exotic tribesmen, to encountering extict animals. Its a dream! Anything can happen!
We had so much fun in that dream, I'm sure we were in love.

But nah, I don't think that'll happen. No matter how much I want it to.

Rather sad, typing this post out. But I really want to remember this dream, thats why I posted it here.


Friday, December 10, 2010
Started On A Bad Note

Friday, 10 Dec 2010.


Zafir here again with another glamorous post.

Like the title says, today started on a really bad note.
Okay, the night before, I planned my outfit mentally before I went to bed. But the next day, I found out that the clothes I planned to wear was still in the washing machine!


I ended up wearing clothes that didn't really match. But ehh... I think I was just being too vain.

Oh and I was late for school though.
But friends at school cheered me up, although they didn't know I was in a bad mood.

Me and Ivan, posing with our bread.

Aqilah, Yanli, Minyee, Me, Ivan, Gerald. Photographer: Dorothy.

Thank you friends!

Something also happened at the Business school staircase today, the staircase behind the two lifts. When we opened the door to the staircase, wind suddenly gushed through! It was like a mini-hurricane within the flight of stairs.
It turned out to be just the ventillation.

But this morning was really cold and windy. A good excuse for Singaporeans to wear jacket-type clothes.

After school ended, I went to the hair salon to get a haircut at Arches, White Sands, Pasir Ris. Alcie and Zana came along too. Alcie even decided to get a wash and dry.
I was supposed to get a haircut on Thursday, but I forgot that my stylist, Andy's off day was on that day.

It was just a simple wash and cut. He did a better job the last time Andy gave me a haircut, but this haircut is cool too.

Before the haircut, yes I know, eww. Reading a fashion mag.

Don't ask me why I made that face.Btw, you can see Andy in the

Snip snip snip. Andy is skilled with the comb and scissors.

End product, without wax. Alcie getting her hair done, sitting on
my right.

He gave me a funky hairdo in the end, but I might make a few modifications myself. Or I might just make it more horrible.

After the haircut, Zana, Alcie and I went to the KFC. Alcie, well, it was kinda a bad day for her. Not gonna share it here. But we had a good time I'm sure they would agree too.


Friday started off bad, but it ended off quite good.

Moral of the story: Eventhough skies may look dull, eventually the sun will shine through.
Sexy moral, don'cha agree?


Tuesday, December 7, 2010
They Do Deliver

Saw this under my block today.

The fabled, big yellow Ikea lorry.

Should I blur out its license plate?



Zafir Shamsulbahri, 250193. I'm the next Adam Lambert. Here for your entertainment.




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